Hello Australia again! This was my third time visited Australia but there was something different. YES! I travelled to Melbourne, Australia not Western Australia! Woohoo!! Fun fact: Melbourne was the capital city of Australia for 26 years between 1901 and 1927 before the capital shifted to Canberra. Alright, my trip to Melbourne started in March. It suppose to be fall at that time, cold and windy, but how lucky i was, the weather was fantastic, lots of sun and heat.

If you had read my other blogs, you would have known how much I love zoo, thus I couldn't let Melbourne Zoo pass by easily. I went to Melbourne Zoo exactly on Labour Day and It wasn't a good decision. First the line to buy the tickets was super long. Secondly, so many people in the zoo, children, adult and teenagers. I extremely recommend everyone to go there on weekday only. However, those situation didn't ruin my animal peeve. I saw chameleon for the first time in Melbourne Zoo. I didn't know what was chameleon until I watched Rango film. I amazed how its eyes move. I wonder how human gonna look like if we have the same eyes like chameleon. Have anyone wanna do eyes surgery like chameleon before?

After I stared at chameleon enough. Next spot was Australia pelican. I only see pelican when i'm in Australia so I pretty much excited every times I see em. Pelicans are pretty peculiar-looking birds. Have you ever seen then yawn? Man! it's the weirdest thing you can imagine! Unfortunately, none of the pelicans were yawning so I have only a photo of a pelican act hot next to the fence. Moving on to the next section. Even though Melbourne is not an aquarium but there were a few aquatic species. My favourite was Crowned Pufferfish. Never in my life, I see it puff so I still searching of that opportunity.
The African zone was a must for every zoos in the world. I love the fact that this zoo make it more unique by making African zone as an "open range zone". However, doesn't mean you can touch every single animals in there, that's why I don't understand how it called "open range zone". Let's begin with the cuteness of lemur. Lemur is a native of Madagascar. The word Lemures in Roman mythology means evil spirit of the dead but don't get scare by the name because there are the cutest thing! Apart from lemur, there are gorillas, black-handed spider-monkey etc. so make sure you check them out because you don't wanna miss African animal right?

Moving on to my favourite part of Melbourne Zoo. It is butterfly zone! YAAAAAY! I'm normally not afraid of butterflies except when I was in this zone. I kid you not but there were sooooooo many butterflies in there, like literally more than mosquitoes in my house. As I entered, I immediately surrounded by them. Some of them flew pass by my face. It was such a great experience of my life. If you want these beautiful winged creatures land on your shoulder or hand, you must be patient and stay quiet. If one wanna land, it will land. I had a funny story to tell you guys. A butterfly landed on my face! No joke. I have witnesses. Was it because of my makeup or my perfume? What do you guys think?
Like I said earlier there were too many people to take photos of all animals in the zoo. Nevertheless, I'm glad that I visited this zoo. I definitely think on weekday the situation gonna be better than mine so really recommend that. Also, the parking was pretty acceptable. It was around $2 or $5 for all day parking. If you don't have a car or don't wanna bring a car or any reasons, the train is another perfect option. It stops in front of the zoo perfectly, make it even more convenient.